Thursday, 31 January 2013

Brighton or Bust

Tonight I will be leaving for Brighton, England.  Surprisingly I have finished packing and weighing my luggage.  Being done with time to spare and both bags under the weight limit is not a common occurrence for me.  I almost don’t know what to do with myself.  Ok that’s a lie - I still need to tidy up/clean, vacuum and do one final load of laundry.  I think I can accomplish that in the next 5 hours.

For various reasons I’m finding this departure the hardest one yet.  Strange eh?  You’d think that going away would be easier for 22(almost 23)-year-old going to England for 5 months than for say a 15-year-old headed to France for a year.  Nope.

My mom says that it probably has something to do with the fact that I’m that much closer to being home permanently.  I agree.  I'm looking forward to settling down and not constantly being in a state of leaving.  But I'm also a little anxious.  Once I finish this semester I will no longer be a student.  I will officially be a “grown-up” and will have to start my “career.”

Personally I think a big part of why going away this time is harder is due to how much closer I’ve gotten to my siblings.  We are at an age when we are all friends now.  My three older siblings, Will, Barb and Kathryn, live in Victoria and I’ve been living with my younger siblings, except Ashley who is up in Fort St. John.  It has been nice to hang out with them these past 9 months. But with going to Brighton they will no longer be only a ferry ride away; an easy visit for a BC Ferries employee with a pass; or just upstairs.  I will miss them.

I’m will miss all my family!  Thankfully I was able to see almost all of my extended family before I left.

Last Saturday we had a goodbye/early-birthday party for me.  My Mom’s side of the family travelled over from the Island so we had both sides of the family together.  I felt pretty special having everyone gather together because of me.

Check out some pictures from that night below..

Well I guess I'd better get back to my cleaning.  Don't want to leave things a mess for my parents.  I love them too much to do that!

Monday, 14 January 2013


At the end of the month I will be boarding a plane to England to spend the next 5 months studying at the University of Brighton.  I'm stoked!!

Two and half weeks stand between me and my departure and  I have officially entered that awkward period of time when I see people don’t know whether or not I’ll have a chance to see them again before leaving. 

On the one hand I want to say goodbye just in case it is the last time I see that person but on the other it is weird if I end up seeing that person again, sometimes even multiple times, and then have to say goodbye to them all over again.

I don’t know if this is a common occurrence or if it is just me. Maybe I’m just not very good at goodbyes.  Yep that's probably it.

So if I accidentally don’t say goodbye to you or if I end up saying goodbye to you multiple times… I’m sorry.  It isn’t intentional.  I'm just awkward when it comes to goodbyes.

Anyways, that is all I have to share for now.  I figure since I’m leaving soon I should get in the habit of blogging again so I can keep everyone up-to-date with my exchange, a.k.a. my English adventure.  I kind of stopped writing all together once returning to BC last Spring.  Whoops!