Monday, 14 January 2013


At the end of the month I will be boarding a plane to England to spend the next 5 months studying at the University of Brighton.  I'm stoked!!

Two and half weeks stand between me and my departure and  I have officially entered that awkward period of time when I see people don’t know whether or not I’ll have a chance to see them again before leaving. 

On the one hand I want to say goodbye just in case it is the last time I see that person but on the other it is weird if I end up seeing that person again, sometimes even multiple times, and then have to say goodbye to them all over again.

I don’t know if this is a common occurrence or if it is just me. Maybe I’m just not very good at goodbyes.  Yep that's probably it.

So if I accidentally don’t say goodbye to you or if I end up saying goodbye to you multiple times… I’m sorry.  It isn’t intentional.  I'm just awkward when it comes to goodbyes.

Anyways, that is all I have to share for now.  I figure since I’m leaving soon I should get in the habit of blogging again so I can keep everyone up-to-date with my exchange, a.k.a. my English adventure.  I kind of stopped writing all together once returning to BC last Spring.  Whoops!

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