Thursday, 26 January 2012

Learning to Blog

“Oh I could totally write a blog post about this!” is a phrase I uttered silently to myself a multitude of times over the past few days.  Monday and Tuesday were pretty full days for me so I was unable to convert the imaginary blog posts I had composed in my head into real blog posts.  But by Wednesday the above phrase was alternating with the questions, “Do I really want to write about that?” or “Do I really want the whole world to know about __fill in the blank__?”

Blogging requires much more thinking-through than I originally thought.  I can’t and shouldn’t post about any topic that seems like a good idea when I first conceive of it.  For example, who really wants to know that I made homemade veggie soup and did laundry on Monday?  Or that when I went swimming on Tuesday in the brand new swimsuit I bought over the Christmas Break it felt like I was effortlessly gliding through the water.  I guess some of you might want to read about those things but most of you probably wouldn’t.

Another blog post I was considering writing was about my final semester abroad.  I am currently in the process of choosing my top 5 country/school choices and thought about writing about my decision making process.  I ruled out that topic though.  If I were to post the pros and cons of each choice it would become very clear to everyone that I’ve fallen in love with one school in particular and two of schools made the list only because I have to pick 5.  If I then didn’t get my top pick or worse my 4th or 5th choice you all would know how badly I wanted the other school and consequently be less excited for me.  In March, when the official country selections are unveiled you can count on me blogging about the destination of my future exchange!  In the meantime for those interested, here are my Top 5 in alphabetical order:

  • Amsterdam, Holland       (Hogeschool von Amsterdam)
  • Bergen, Norway                 (NHH – Norwegian School of Economics)
  • Brighton, England            (University of Brighton)
  • Dublin, Ireland                  (University College Dublin)
  • Glasgow, Scotland            (Strathclyde Business School)

Random side note: I just realized that four of the five countries have the word “land” in their name. How funny!

My friend, Mark started a blog today – Mark’s Musings.  His title is a-musing-ly similar to my brother, Will’s blog – Melodramatic Musings.  Coincidence?  Probably.   As far as I know he had no previous knowledge of my brother’s blog when he created his title.  In his first post, he dedicated his first few posts to profiles of family and friends so that when he mentions people everyone will know to whom he is referring.  It is a nice idea.  For him.  Personally I wouldn’t touch that topic with a ten foot pole.  I would be too worried about accidentally offending someone.  Or posting about one sibling and then finding I had nothing to say about one of the others.  Not saying I wouldn’t have something to say about all seven of my lovely brothers and sisters.  Plus, Will has written so many stories and blog posts about our family that I fear I would have nothing original to say.

So what do I blog about?  I’m still figuring that out.

I’m off to Quebec City this weekend for Carnaval d’Hiver (Winter Carnival) with the uOttawa French Immersion Club.  It will be my first trip to anywhere in Quebec besides Montreal and Hull (Gatineau).  I’m sure that will make for an adequate blog topic.  I don’t doubt that I will have plenty to say about the trip and lots of pictures too.  Expect a post about that early next week.

Last but not least, for your viewing pleasure I have included a few pictures I took today while I was walking around downtown Ottawa.  It was a surprisingly nice day and with my lovely iPhone it is so easy to snap a few shots.

View of Parliament, le Chateau Laurier, and the Rideau Canal

The newly built Convention Centre

Demarais - uOttawa Business & Social Sciences Building
I spend way too much time there!

1 comment:

    ....actually no cause then I would be so jealous of your pictures that I'd have to remove you from facebook.
    ...kidding. kinda.
