Wednesday 8 February 2012

Dan Mangan

I love music!  Why?  Well, I have a difficult time trying to describe why I love music.  I just do.  It is like I was born with the music-lover gene or something.

This will be my first of many music-related posts.  Today’s featured artist is Dan Mangan.  He is a singer/songwriter from Vancouver, BC.

I found out about Dan’s music by reading my brother, Will’s blog back in October.  Apparently Dan drove him home from the bar a few years back because Will was “a bit of a mess” and lived near him.  You can check out Will's post about Dan here

I can’t thank Will enough for introducing me to Dan’s music.  I have since bought his two albums – Nice, Nice, Very Nice and Oh Fortune – and listened to them incessantly. Dan has a beautifully rich voice that is so smooth and inviting, yet distinctive.  I would have to say he is currently one of my favourite musicians.  If you haven’t heard his music you should definitely check him out.

Today I found out that Dan has been nominated for 4 Juno Awards – Best New Artist, Alternative Album, Songwriter, and Music Video. I am thrilled for him!  I really hope he wins!

I have attached two music videos below for your listening/viewing pleasure.  Post-War Blues is my personal favourite Dan Mangan song and Rows of Houses is the Juno-nominated video.

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